Any business that you may have has to be made to look good and appealing. If you are selling something online or offering any kind of service, people have to be able to understand exactly what it is you’re offering. A good quality, clear and well composed photo does this quickly, efficiently and more clearly than the cleverest marketing jargon. Here is what you need to do to take great pictures for your business:
1. Let it be about the business
People are not immediately interested in extraneous stuff about your business such as a new warehouse, or other things that you may justifiably be proud of. They want to know what you offer, so let the pictures be about the product or the service that you’re offering. Other details can be included elsewhere such as a promotional brochure, on the website’s About Page and so on.
2. Get a good camera
It may be a good idea to invest in a good quality camera. Having said that, you could get some good shots even with a basic point and shoot camera, if you take care of a few other aspects of business photography.
3. Get clear shots
Ensure that there is no extra stuff in the frame: car, furniture, etc will detract from the product in the picture. So choose a good background which calls attention to the product displayed.
4. Get a tripod
This will ensure that the hand doesn’t shake while you take a picture and give better results. borrow one from a friend if you don’t want to buy one; after all you may not have the occasion to use a tripod again if you’re not that keen a photographer.
5. Make sure your shots are well lit
Lighting is the key to good photos. Use an off camera flash or shoot pictures outdoors in natural light to bring out the real colors, physical details and more.
6. Edit your images
Polish your images post production – sharpen contrast, bring out the colors more effectively and make your image more visually appealing using simple software easily available on your computer.
7. Compress your images
If you’re taking pictures to upload on to a website, ensure that the image is small and compact in size. A small image will let a web page load a lot faster than a big, heavy file. You don’t want site visitors to leave in impatience while some massive image file loads on to their computer screen. Compression software is easily available online and quickly and effectively does this job for you.