Underwater Photography Tips for Beginners

If you’re planning on your first ever deep sea diving experience, you’re probably wanting to make sure that you are able to capture each detail of the experience and perhaps come back home with the sort of shots that currently make up your screensaver. Underwater photography is challenging in terms of lighting and so many other factors. So here are some basic  tips to make things easier for you.

What you’ll need

A digital camera is obviously a better option simple because of the LCD preview that you get of the subject. Trying to look down the viewfinder with your mask on can be tricky to say the least. Also with a digital camera you can take lots of pictures without worrying about wasting or running out of film. You may not need a new or specialized camera is your digital compact is compatible with plastic housing that will permit you to take it into the water without being damaged. Underwater casing or housing and an O-ring can create a waterproof seal permitting you to safely take underwater pictures.

Make sure you’re comfortable in the water


Photos are secondary; your safety is primary, so make sure that you’ve received proper training for the dive and that you are comfortable in the water and aware of all safety procedures. Once you are comfortable and confident with all of this, you know that you can concentrate on the marvelous natural bounty; the flora and fauna around you which you can capture on your camera for posterity.

Go close to your subject

Try to unobtrusive because marine animals tend to spook easily, but get level with and as close to your subject as possible. Not only will this give you better detail in the photo, it will also help to lessen what is known as backscatter – the blotches, specks and spots that show up in the pictures. This is floating matter that is present in the water and gets exaggerated in pictures. You will also need to be quick – by all means compose your shot to the best of your ability, but waiting too long also means that your fish swam away.

Use an external strobe

This is something that is really recommended for taking underwater shots. An external strobe rather than the built in flash will not only light up the subject better but it will also help to reduce the backscatter. Also consider the fact that not going too deep and staying relatively shallow will give you more natural light which can be a big asset.

One Response
  1. September 2, 2015